Last seen: Jan 28, 2021
Brian Rusch replied: An alternative "dummy" program technique is to use a variable program name and change the program name in the variable so the p...
Slaninaj replied: Tommy,I have been look for a ways to do this and everyone I ask has said it can not be done.How would your dummy program look and ...
Joe Guetzlaff replied: Hi Marinus! Now ain't that something? :--)) I wholeheartedly agree with the OPM stuff, it's all old and lega...
Joe Guetzlaff replied: Hi Marinus!! Sorry that I messed it up .... :--)) I do understand that it is about RPG and that CL is not RP...
Joe Guetzlaff replied: For testing purposes:I forgot to add, that while T$STK00 is running/active, you can change the message string in T$STK02, rec...
Joe Guetzlaff replied:Here are 3 CL prog-samples, that will enable the behaviour you're looking for. T$STK00PGM DCLPRCOPT DFTACTGRP(*NO) ACTGRP(*CAL...
Prashob Nadukandi replied: Is there a way to post screenshots on this forum. That would give a more clear understanding
Prashob Nadukandi replied:Hi All, Did further testing and this time introduced second level program call TSTPGM3.Test result : even if tstpgm2 and t...
Prashob Nadukandi replied: TSTPGM1 : H dftactgrp(*no) actgrp(*new) H option(*srcstmt:*nodebugio) H bnddir('QC2LE') D Sleep Pr 10u 0 extproc('sle...
Prashob Nadukandi replied: Came up with a simple test programs with below logic 1. Write a simple batch program 1 which has a delay loop of 1 min ...