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[Sticky] ILE-RPG Developers Group (RPG LANGUAGE) Community Forum Guidelines

1 Posts
1 Users
0 Reactions
Marinus van Sandwyk
Posts: 18
Group Owner Admin
Topic starter

This group is EXCLUSIVE to those working in ILE-RPG in IBM's AS/400, iSeries, or IBM i on Power. Would you please STUDY the Group Rules CAREFULLY?




The mission of RPG LANGUAGE is to accelerate the authentic modernization of heritage ("legacy") software assets developed in earlier OPM (original program model) based releases of the RPG programming language. Our goal is to speed up the adoption of modern software engineering practices in our community and provide easy-to-use examples using the latest ILE and RPG functionality in a data-centric approach.


For a detailed description of what characteristics define modern ILE and RPG IV usage, please scroll down to the relevant section?


Interacting with Other Users on RPG LANGUAGE:

  1. In a nutshell: Do unto and treat others as you want them to do and treat you.
  2. Community Values:
    1. Respect for the rights, differences, and dignity of others.
    2. Honesty and integrity in dealing with all members of the community.
    3. Accountability for personal behavior.
  3. No Spamming outside the Watercooler Chats Forum: Spam, or posts that are nonsensical or irrelevant to the forum in which they're posted, should only be published in the Watercooler chats forum. Users are encouraged to stay on topic and be relevant to the theme of where discussions are held. Being informative or entertaining are also good ways to get a good conversation going. Posts that are gibberish, off-topic, contain advertisements or begging, or have low or no content are considered spam. Would you please ensure that your posts are on-topic and contain an appropriate amount of discussable content?
  4. Be Courteous: We value critical dialogue and leveraging the immense experience in our community to the benefit of all. If you disagree with a contribution or have an alternative solution, please share credible references to sources that back up your position. The best contribution is where you provide all the code to achieve the desired result. Please be civil and courteous towards your fellow RPG LANGUAGE members. Abusive language is not permitted. If your post is vulgar, insulting, explicit, or hateful, it will be removed and likely trigger your banning from our group. The decisions by the group moderators are final.
  5. Use Correct Discussion Thread: Please ensure that you post to the most suitable topic that best describes the question or contribution you want to share.
  6. Flaming & Trolling: Posts directed at another member which are hateful, abusive, or intentionally inflammatory are considered flaming. Making deliberately inflammatory or provocative posts to incite responses from other members is considered trolling. Neither will be tolerated.
  7. No Stalking: Persistent harassment of an individual or group of individuals against their wishes (commonly known as 'stalking') is not permitted. If someone asks you to stop, please leave them alone.
  8. Respect the community guidelines: Encouraging or endorsing violations of our community guidelines, or illicit activities in general, is not permitted.
  9. Be Constructive: When commenting on code examples or proposed solutions, please try to be constructive in your criticism or balance criticism with praise. If your comments are insulting or vulgar, action will be taken against your account.
  10. No Pirating: Requesting or sharing material you do not own the copyright to or have permission to share is not permitted.
  11. Copyright Violation: Posting code that you do not have the rights to may be treated as copyright infringement or theft if the code owner makes a complaint. Claiming code or solutions that you did not create yourself, either in the coding arena or on the forums, as your work will be treated as theft, resulting in legal prosecution in real life. Attempting to use stolen code for profit is considered to be scamming. Additionally, code that you have not developed yourself, but that was heavily copied or based on the work of others or includes code you did not produce yourself, may also be treated as theft.
  12. Chain Letters: Any post/letter where it encourages you to "pass it on to your friends" or "send this to everyone, or we will delete your account" is considered a chain letter and is not allowed on RPG LANGUAGE. Posting chain letters will get your posts deleted and a warning on your account. Repeated posting of chain letters will get you banned.
  13. Copy/Paste Posts: These are posts that you copy and paste over and over in threads. These are considered spam, and constantly posting them after being warned will result in a ban of your account. Take the time to type out individual responses to the various threads you visit. It shows that you care!
  14. Violations: If you find community guideline violations or threads that may need to be moved to a different forum, please inform the moderators of the group?
  15. VENDORS: We want to provide you with a platform to interact with our members but request you limit your posts to a maximum of one per month where your product or service is directly related to the group's mission. Your posts are limited to the LinkedIn group and do not include our website forum discussions.
  16. Recruitment agencies: Please limit your job postings to a maximum of one per week? Your job postings must be focused on IBM i, DB2 for i, ILE, and RPG and ISV products that use this technology stack. Your posts are limited to the LinkedIn group and do not include our website forum discussions.
  17. Unspoken rules: There are things in the forums that may not be considered "against the rules" but may irritate other posters.
    1. Posting your entire post in capital letters will irritate people pretty quickly. It is considered shouting. You wouldn't go up to someone and start yelling at them, would you? So please don't do it in the forums either.
    2. Emoticons are fun to use and cute, but using too many of them can clutter up a post and detract from what you are trying to say.
  18. Profile information and Avatars: As a sign of respect and solidarity, please provide relevant information on your profile with a decent Bio. It allows all participants to form a picture in their minds about you. Additionally, please share a suitable photograph of yourself preferably, as it assists in building our community. We will accept appropriate avatars or graphical representations if they will assist in creating a picture of yourself in the community. We implore you to please not use the default (blank) Avatar?
  19. Do not "hijack" discussions!: If you want to discuss something that's not already being discussed, start a new conversation. Doing this is a win-win. Not only does this help the old discussion stay on topic, but you get a new audience for your further discussion, everyone who gets notified of recent discussions, not just those who are engaged in the old one.
  20. If In Doubt, Ask: If you are submitting content to RPG LANGUAGE Online and are unsure whether that content violates our group guidelines or other rules, it is best to check with an RPG LANGUAGE Moderator before submission.


You can find online moderators by following the "View Forum Moderators" link at the top of the forum.


Failure to follow the rules above may result in your account being banned from RPG LANGUAGE (ILE RPG Developers). In some cases, the moderators will caution members violating our guidelines, with repeat offenders receiving a permanent ban, and in some cases, may result in a permanent ban immediately. The following offenses are also grounds for an immediate permanent ban:

  • Hacking. Hacking is defined as "unauthorized access to another user's account." This includes accessing an account that does not belong to you or profiting from items taken from a hacked account. Attempts to hack, such as trying to obtain another user's password, will also lead to your account being banned.
  • Impersonating another user or RPG LANGUAGE Group Member, including Administrators and Moderators. 


How to Report

Abuse of the report system will result in a warning or ban of your account.

Report a Post or Topic

Use the button when an individual post on a topic contains inappropriate content.


Reasons to Report a Post or Topic:

    • The content of the post violates the guidelines or forum rules.
    • The content of the post is off-topic.
    • The topic is in the wrong forum and should be moved to a more appropriate forum.

Modern ILE and RPG IV definition:


* Everything must be directly relevant to RPG IV within the ILE environment and developing for IBM i.

* OPM contributions are improper (unless you are in the process of modernizing the code to become AUTHENTICALLY RPG IV/ILE), as is general advice on life, careers, recruiting, using LinkedIn, making money, etc. For more information on what we mean with ILE, see


Our definition of when you are using ILE and RPG IV the way it should be, it will have most of the following attributes: -

  • Functions and Procedures bound into *SRVPGM and *PGM
  • Activation Groups - NO execution in the DEFAULT (at least QILE named activation group) activation group (in general, bar exceptions)
  • BIF
  • Single Instance, reusable code components
  • OPM will be tolerated, PROVIDED that it is in the process of being modernized
  • Separation of concerns (aka MVC, aka "multi-tier" architecture)


We also run a companion group which you may perhaps enjoy, dedicated to data-centric modernization of heritage (aka "legacy") RPG software assets.


This topic was modified 3 years ago by Marinus van Sandwyk
Posted : 12/10/2021 10:46 am